Van Brunt Stillhouse Due North Rum 750ml
Due North Rum is carefully created with organic, unprocessed sugar. While most sugar is grown on plantations and manufactured in industrial processing plants, our sugar was grown by small family farmers and dried in the sun.
Rum has a long history in New York and America. The fledgling colonies were cash poor and recognized the economic opportunity in importing the waste product of their sister colonies in the Caribbean and producing a much sought after product on the world market. Van Brunt Stillhouse is bringing rum back to the northeast with Brooklyn’s own rum: Due North Rum.
Sailors at sea were once afforded a ration of rum every day. It was their pay. Usually the Grog was more water than rum, but when they had performed valiantly or had seen heavy weather or a bruising fight, the captain would dole out a little more fortitude in the ration. When the ration was pure rum, the sailors would say the ration was “Due North”.
Due North Rum’s delicate profile and it’s unique aging process gives this rum appeal to whiskey drinkers and rum drinkers alike.