Scapegrace Black
World’s First All-Natural Black Gin. Naturally Black based on the colors and flavors from botanical extracts including, Aronia Berry, Saffron, Pineapple, Butterfly Pea, and Sweet Potato.
Full-bodied floral notes, with a menthol-like crispiness, naturally chilling with a balanced citrus freshness and a hint of spice.
Resinous with Juniper and dry earthy notes, with slight tropical sweetness swooping towards the end of the breath.
Candied sweet potato and pineapple finish; mouthfeel is luxurious and velvety and full of natural citrus oils.
“Signature Serve”
1 2/3 oz Scapegrace Black
5 oz Tonic Water
Slice of green apple.
Please note the gin moves from natures black to shades of red and purple when mixed.
ABV: 41.6%